The Shakkar Paara Project- Our Supporting Organization
The Shakkar Paara Project, founded by Dr Veenapani Seksaria, was piloted as a self-funded project to distribute Shakkar Paaras to the hungry in Chennai during the onset of COVID19. It was inspired by the emergency rations used by the Indian Army during the Kargil war. Since its inception, over the last two months, it has evolved to connect and help the neediest and marginalised sectors of society who have had to bear the impetus of the lockdown and ongoing crises.
The main objective is to alleviate hunger with dignity.
Currently partnered with the NGO ‘Dorai Foundation’, TSPP has raised funds and managed to reach out to communities like the landless labourers of Kalagachhia in West Bengal , the tribals of Jharkhand, the daily wage workers in unity valley in Dimapur, Nagaland and and some districts in Bihar.

The Model
Identifying partners on ground (individuals or NGOs) who can deep dive into the community and show compassion
Carrying out the field work, to identify the community needs and personalize the aid
Customization of compassion kits, and therefore their swift distribution
But the project is far from over. Your purchases and donations, big and small, can go a long way in bringing families atleast a month of supplies.
TSSP Articles and Media Coverage

1. The Print: 'The Shakkar Paara Project is a sweet group of volunteers feeding India's most vulnerable.'
2. Hindustan Times - The power of social media: Strangers across India connect to help the needy.
3. The Bela Magazine - 'Food donation for those below the radar'